Polygonal modeling is a primary process of 3D computer graphics that makes us able to generate any shape, having total control over the entire generation path. Furthermore, it enables us to make several changes and to lead the object towards an extremely close approximation to reality. We can focus on each phase in which the object is involved, putting our efforts where it is deemed necessary.

Texturing is the generation phase of the storytelling of our 3d model. Throughout the creation of images that can be subsequently applied to our models, we can tell the story that characterizes our object, justifying our choices with texturing, thus allowing us to generate a much more realistic and interesting object.
The context of shading is what allows us to bring our 3D models closer to the reality that surrounds us through the definition of material properties. With the possibility of manipulating the characteristics of reflection, brightness, color and much more, we can have an infinite range of possibilities that allows us to range from simple conceptual illustration to the so-called photorealistic rendering.
With the term “rigging” we are going to define all that process of controls generating which will allow us to animate and therefore to give life to our character, our creature, our vehicle, or our object. Rigging is perhaps the least creative phase of the entire shot generation pipeline but certainly not the least important.
Animation is the process by which our objects actually come to life. There is no shot, video or anything else that can be called such without a character, creature, vehicle, or anything else that moves on stage. Through animation we literally tell a story, an experience or an event.
Whether it’s a character, a product or an entire environment, the key word remains one: enhance. Without an adequate lighting setting, our scene elements appear dull and emotionless. Starting from a well studied concept, the lighting tends to highlight everything done in the previous phases and decidedly our scene tends to take on a more exciting and captivating aspect.
This term could be confused with what serves us to indicate the entire world of visual effects. When we talk about specific VFX we are referring to all of those visual and non-visual techniques that help us simulate everything that is a real effect just like fire, smoke, explosions, liquids, destruction, energy effects and much more.
An image or sequence of images are considered rendered when they “come out ” from a 3D software in the form of image files. Everything that has to do with the quality setting of the global illumination of the scene revolves around this phase. During this process the eternal dilemma between rendering times and the final quality to be achieved is balanced.
It’s the final stage of the visual effects pipeline, the point where all the shots are put together and then compose our final output. During compositing, interventions of color correction and integration between live-filmed scenes and computer graphics reconstructed scenes are mainly taken into consideration through the support of techniques known as green screen and motion tracking.